Sunday, December 13, 2009

On nutrition

With regard to nutrition, parents often ask children impossible. To better understand what and how the child eats, you need to know the physiology of its development. The following facts will help you understand how children grow and how and what they eat as they grow older.

1. One year after the child's growth is slowing significantly.

During the first year of life a baby makes a sharp jump in height and weight. The average weight is increased three-fold, while the increase at 25 cm then, the growth rate is significantly reduced in the second year of life a baby is growing somewhere in the 1 / 10 slower. This is a normal process. If the child will continue to grow as fast as in the first year of two, three and four years, this may be an indication of a very serious disease.

2. After the first year of life a child needs less calories.

As they grow older, the child's body becomes thinner and loses its "children zhirok, the body needs less energy because of the changing proportions, but also because of slower growth, so the children from 2 to 5 years, as you might eat less, but is normal.

3. Children fickle in their food preferences.

They may use these or other products for a long time, and then take them there and stop for no apparent reason. Children can eat well for several days, and then play up and not want to eat. Children rarely eat a constant amount of food every day.

4. Children are born with an innate preference for sweet food, and resistance to acid.

Breast milk is very sweet, this is the first food that the child is programmed to receive from nature. All other flavors children will learn later, and food preferences develop over time. You can create a child for food preferences, in giving his eating certain products. However, the child may never be a sweet tooth for the rest of life.

5. Children are wary of new products.

There is a contradiction, children can pull in the mouth, that no hitting, for example, tablets, shiny buttons, etc., but in food they may not exercise its research talent. As if kids did not resist, to introduce new foods into their diet. If a child is particularly demanding in the food does not offer them new products more than one or two times a week. Do not be too aggressive, the process of habituation is slow, do everything slowly, but persistently.

6. Children do not have much to eat three times a day.

If you

expecting a child from 2 to 5 years will have three times a day, enough food, you are wrong and expect from him is impossible. Child can eat a big breakfast, then lunch, he probably did not eat fully and almost nothing will not want for dinner.

7. Appetite child falls to the end of the day.

Particularly important to understand this truth, working parents and not try to force a child to dinner a lot to catch up day.

8. Not all kids love to eat.

This is also true for adults. Some people like to eat and enjoy delicious food, while others eat simply because it is necessary for life. Each child's habits and preferences. You must be a child menu in accordance with them and do not demand the impossible.
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