Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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Mechanisms of formation of true food allergies have been Cheap Generic Viagra insufficiently studied. But it is well known that the basis of true allergic reactions to foods are sensitization and Purchase Levitra Sale Online immune response to the reintroduction of food allergens. Food allergy can develop in genetically determined predisposition to the formation of allergy to food Brand Name Viagra Prescription antigens with antibodies of class IgE. But for all the importance of genetic factors, they do not determine the formation of food allergy, as confirmed by Cheap Brand Name Cialis observations on monozygotic twins.

Food allergies can occur on the mechanisms of hypersensitivity of immediate and delayed type. The most studied food allergy, developing the Generic Levitra Pills mechanisms of type 1 (IgE-mediated). To create a food allergy food allergen must be able to induce the function of T-helper cells and inhibit the activity of T-suppressors, which leads to increased production IgE. In addition, the allergen must have at least 2 identical determinants distant Cialis Drugs Online Pharmacy from one another, linking the receptors on target cells with subsequent release of mediators of allergy. Along with the IgE-antibodies significant place in the mechanism of development of food allergy antibodies take a class IgG4, especially if you are allergic to milk, eggs, fish.

Sometimes it develops a food allergy to some food additives, especially in the azo-dyes (in particular, tartrazine), in which Order Viagra Tablets Online case the latter act as haptens and form complexes with proteins, such as serum albumin, have become full antigens to which the organism produced specific antibodies. The existence of class IgE antibodies against tartrazine has been demonstrated in experiments on animals, they are identified and the person using the radioallergosorbent test.

If you eat foods containing azo-dyes, benzilgidrooksitoluen, butilgidroksianisol, quinine, etc., may also develop delayed-type hypersensitivity (HRT), manifested eczema. In particular, it was found that food additives can induce Tadalafil Sildenafil Vardenafil production of MIF-factor, a mediator of HRT and the development of delayed allergic reactions to foods containing these additives.

In addition to IgE, in the Buy Generic Cialis Online implementation of the symptoms of food allergies are involved immune complexes and cell-mediated response, however, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (DBPCFCs) did not confirm the decisive role of any of these Order Brand Levitra Discount factors in the development of food allergy.