Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Prosthesis - a replacement of a tooth or part of artificial substances or inlays (fillings, implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.), with a view to restoring normal ability to eat, chew and speak.


Prosthetic pursuing different goals. Fillings and crowns are used to restore a damaged tooth. They are installed on sites affected by caries, protect the remainder of the tooth, restoring its original form and functionality. Bridges, dentures and implants designed to restore form and functionality of the dentition as a whole.


Some patients have allergic reactions to drugs used in dentistry for local anesthesia. Many people are still afraid to go to the dentist, although in modern conditions, these fears are largely unfounded.



Sealing - a type of prosthesis, which is used for caries. Perpetrators of rotting teeth - the bacteria that live in the mouth. Sugar contained in food, by bacteria turns into acid that destroys teeth. First, the enamel is damaged, then the process extends to the inside of the tooth (pulp), consisting of nerves and blood vessels. Without treatment, in a rotten tooth starts the inflammatory process. The infection causes inflammation and pain, and sometimes more serious complications.

To stop the process of decay, the dentist removes the destroyed part of the tooth (for drilling and grinding using special dental instruments), and fills the formed cavity filling. The installation process takes several minutes, then take several hours to fully harden. For the sealing of the front teeth, visible when a person smiles, use composite (Dental) plastics, as well as the insertion of such material is easier to pick up on color.


Tabs also used to seal the cavities formed by removal of the damaged portion of the tooth caries. Unlike conventional seals, the tab is formed not in the mouth of the patient and not immediately. First, the doctor makes a wax copy of the sealable openings. On the basis of its cast is made and only then - very filling (usually gold). It is attached to the place with dental glue.


Crown - is part of the tooth covered with enamel. Prosthetic crown is set instead to the outer layer to protect the inner part of the tooth. It is necessary in case of cracks in the enamel or damage to the tooth from within. As for fillings, the dentist first removes the damaged part of the tooth. Then, being prepared to install a crown. It is produced wax cast of the patient and the following tooth. Then make a new mold for the crown. This can be used different materials: gold, stainless steel, cermet or ceramic. The finished crown is set on the prepared tooth, fly and fix with the help of dental adhesive.


Bridges is set in the case of loss or deletion of one or more permanent teeth. The gap to be filled in order to avoid displacement of other teeth, and changes in occlusion (closing of the teeth), leading to pain in the jaw. Staggered and crooked teeth are harder to clean, and therefore increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and loss of other teeth. To avoid this, and put the bridges - constant support, attached crowns to adjacent teeth. These adjacent teeth and take on the burden of chewing food.

Partial dentures

Partial denture performs the same function as the bridge: filling the gap with the help of the artificial tooth on a metal pin. The difference is that the denture is removed. It is attached to the crown on the adjacent tooth using a special device. Partial dentures are usually placed at the end of the series so that there was only one adjacent tooth. The pressure in the process of chewing is distributed between the neighboring tooth and gum.

Complete dentures

Complete dentures are used when the loss of all teeth in the upper or lower jaw. They consist of artificial teeth fixed on a plastic base, and are intended to restore the dentition. May be affixed to the jaw using a special glue.


Dental implant - a metal rod, employee support for crowns, bridges and dentures, which is implanted through the soft gum tissue in the jaw bone.


Before prosthetic dentist removes all parts of the tooth affected by caries, and gives the newly formed cavity shape. Seals - the only type of prosthesis, carried out directly inside the tooth. In all other cases, you need to make a mold cavity. The seal can be installed in a single visit to the dentist, other types of prostheses require several visits.

After prosthesis


Conventional seals harden within several hours after installation. On the first day the patient must chew the food the other side of the mouth.


In habituation to partial and complete denture takes several weeks. Putting on and removing dentures requires skill. First, it is difficult to speak clearly, to resolve this problem, you can work out loud to read aloud. Chew too uncomfortable at first, so it is recommended to avoid solid or viscous food. Even better to put soft food in the mouth in small portions.

Patients with dentures should carefully observe the rules of oral hygiene. To remove plaque and food debris from the crowns and bridges need to use special brushes and toothpicks. Dentures should be removed and daily brushing with tooth powder or liquid soap.

Any discomfort following the installation of the prosthesis is a cause for a dentist. Preventive examinations should be held at least 2 times a year.


Prosthetic usually performed under local anesthesia. This possible allergic reaction to painkillers. In very small percentage of patients there was an allergy to metals, of which themselves are made prostheses. In most cases, problems are solved by selecting a different material.


Successful prosthesis and proper oral care allows the patient relatively long time to feel completely comfortable. Of course, artificial teeth are not replaced, but only resemble the real thing. Even full dentures can be compared in the comfort of their own teeth! Therefore, it is important to regularly visit the dentist: it will help prevent serious diseases of teeth and not to go to prosthetics. Among other things, prosthetics - it is also a very expensive procedure.
Rx New Jersey

Cardiovascular disease in women

Cardiovascular diseases constitute a major threat to women's health, although many women live in constant fear of breast cancer. In the U.S. the main cause of death in women is coronary heart disease (CHD), including violations of cerebral blood flow (stroke). If breast cancer kills one woman of 25, then from cardiovascular disease - one of the three.

At the time of menopause hormone estrogen, which is produced in a woman's body is reduced, and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Scientists believe that estrogen helps the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Must take care of yourself

Aging - a natural process with which a man could do nothing, as its heredity. But there are lots of things that are in your power and that can help you significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

1. Give up smoking. Smoking directly increases the risk of heart disease and is the main preventable causes of death in the United States. If you quit, then after a three-year risk of heart disease becomes equal to the same indicator in non-smokers. Thus, damage to the body to the previous years of smoking, and can be eliminated quickly.
2. Check the pressure. When you measured the blood pressure for the last time? Perhaps it is high, and you do not even know about it. For cardiac muscle, with a force pump blood, it is unnecessary stress. The risk of developing hypertension increases if you have extra weight in the family have hypertension, you take some pills for pregnant or older than 50 years. Even if your pressure is normal, it can reduce and reduce the risk of CHD.
3. Diet. Eat a heart-products. In your diet should be enough fruit and vegetables, cereals, dairy products low in fat and lean meat. Reduce consumption of salt and sugar, and watch portion sizes.
4. Check the level of cholesterol in the blood. Today, many already know about the dangers of products with high fat and cholesterol. But completely excluded from their diet fat can not. Some fats actually protect the heart. This mono-and polyunsaturated fats, which are contained in olive oil, nuts, grains and fish. Avoid saturated and animal fats, and, consequently, give up the butter, fatty meat and other bad fats, from which the added weight and increased cholesterol in the blood.
5. Exercise. The benefits of maintaining physical fitness, we hear almost every day. Regular exercise several times a week can reduce the risks associated with all major causes of death and disease in the United States, including cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease. Moreover, regular physical activity reduces the risk of hypertension and lower blood pressure, if you have already upgraded. Physical activity helps to reduce weight and improve health. As for obesity, it raises blood cholesterol and blood pressure, so it's best to move and keep fit.

Symptoms of heart attack

In women, symptoms of a heart attack may differ from the symptoms of a heart attack in men. As a rule, they may experience the classic symptoms of a heart attack - compressing oppressive pain, sometimes burning sensation behind the breastbone or gravity. However, they also often complain of shortness of breath.

Localization of pain may also be different: not behind the breastbone, and in the abdomen, back or jaw or throat. Sometimes it may simply be complaints of feeling unwell without any more specific symptoms.

Women and men may differ, not only the symptoms of a heart attack, but the reaction to these symptoms. Women tend to underestimate the risk of heart attack and did not pay attention to symptoms of the disease, believing that everything would turn out. On average, women with heart attacks received by the receiving department of the hospital an hour later than men. However, they rarely complain of pain in my heart and more inclined to associate their condition with something else. This slows down and seriously impedes the provision of necessary medical care.

So if you feel that you that something is wrong, trust your inner intuition and seek immediate medical help. Do not wait to become clear that you are seriously ill.

If assistance was provided in time, the prognosis of the disease for women with coronary artery disease is more favorable than for men.
Rx Iowa

Truth and myths about the "female" cancer


Among the causes of cancer mortality is second only to diseases of the cardiovascular system. For women, one of the most common types of cancer is breast cancer. Perhaps, the preconditions for its development can be detected already in childhood. According to some, cancer is more likely if menarche occurred at age 11 or sooner if the woman had a child's fragile physique and grew rapidly during adolescence.

New studies give hope to patients with breast cancer.

In addition, doctors have a wide range of tools aimed at the prevention of breast cancer, which is constantly expanding. Arsenal for the treatment of breast cancer in recent years has expanded due to new drugs (currently undergoing clinical trials of raloxifene and tamoxifen). For early diagnosis of women older than 40 years should undergo regular mammograms. Because science is not static, it is hoped that in future will be installed and found the reasons for treatment of this terrible disease.


Breast cancer is very common, but women are dying from it are much less common than lung cancer. Breast cancer is detected by the woman or on mammography early enough - when it is still possible treatment. As for lung cancer, then it is often detected at a stage when surgical treatment is futile.

The best prevention of lung cancer - non-smoking. Unfortunately, women are still many who can not quit. Smoking is also common among youth, including - among students and schoolgirls.

Colon cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common in women. However, over the past 30 years, mortality from this disease decreased by 29%. Early diagnosis and latest treatments can save many lives.

Nutrition Cancer

More and more scientists recognize the link between diet and cancer. Here are some interesting facts:

1. Fiber. Foods rich in fiber, reduce the risk of cancer. Vegetarian diets that include vegetables, low-fat foods high in fiber, as well as legumes, grains and fruits, reduce the likelihood of developing cancer of the uterus.
2. Vitamins. According to scientists, folic acid found in multivitamins, not only reduces the risk of birth defects with prenatal development, but also helps prevent cancer of the rectum. According to studies, women who take multivitamins for 15 or more years, the incidence of this type of cancer is much lower than in those who received folic acid only from food. Vitamin E inhibits growth of tumors (until studies were conducted on animals), and according to medical statistics, consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, reduces the incidence of cancer of the mouth and stomach cancer. Selenium also has a preventive effect. According to a recent authoritative study conducted in China, the United States and other countries and swept 30 thousand people, the risk of developing cancer is reduced in patients receiving daily vitamin supplements containing beta carotene, vitamin E and selenium.
3. Vegetables. According to numerous studies, consumption of dark-yellow, orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.) and green (broccoli, spinach and cabbage) reduces the risk of some cancers. This is particularly true of lung cancer, even in smokers. Although cessation of smoking - the basis of prevention of lung cancer and many other diseases, with the help of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, health can be maintained. Nutritionists recommend a daily basis to eat at 5 or more servings of vegetables and fruits.

Limit fat in the diet

Fatty foods (especially animal fat) increases the risk of developing cancer, especially colon cancer, and possibly, pancreas, ovary and endometrium. The role of fat in the development of breast cancer is open to question, but better safe. People are eating far more fat than their bodies need. Nutritionists believe that the proportion of the diet of foods rich in fat, should not exceed 30%.

Cancer of the reproductive organs

Each year, cancer of the reproductive organs are diagnosed in tens of thousands of women, although it occurs in women less likely than other types of cancer. At present, the prevention of ovarian cancer has been given more attention. The main thing in this issue - an early diagnosis. It is possible, if women go to preventive examinations and deliver cytological smears.
Rx California