Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Truth and myths about the "female" cancer


Among the causes of cancer mortality is second only to diseases of the cardiovascular system. For women, one of the most common types of cancer is breast cancer. Perhaps, the preconditions for its development can be detected already in childhood. According to some, cancer is more likely if menarche occurred at age 11 or sooner if the woman had a child's fragile physique and grew rapidly during adolescence.

New studies give hope to patients with breast cancer.

In addition, doctors have a wide range of tools aimed at the prevention of breast cancer, which is constantly expanding. Arsenal for the treatment of breast cancer in recent years has expanded due to new drugs (currently undergoing clinical trials of raloxifene and tamoxifen). For early diagnosis of women older than 40 years should undergo regular mammograms. Because science is not static, it is hoped that in future will be installed and found the reasons for treatment of this terrible disease.


Breast cancer is very common, but women are dying from it are much less common than lung cancer. Breast cancer is detected by the woman or on mammography early enough - when it is still possible treatment. As for lung cancer, then it is often detected at a stage when surgical treatment is futile.

The best prevention of lung cancer - non-smoking. Unfortunately, women are still many who can not quit. Smoking is also common among youth, including - among students and schoolgirls.

Colon cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common in women. However, over the past 30 years, mortality from this disease decreased by 29%. Early diagnosis and latest treatments can save many lives.

Nutrition Cancer

More and more scientists recognize the link between diet and cancer. Here are some interesting facts:

1. Fiber. Foods rich in fiber, reduce the risk of cancer. Vegetarian diets that include vegetables, low-fat foods high in fiber, as well as legumes, grains and fruits, reduce the likelihood of developing cancer of the uterus.
2. Vitamins. According to scientists, folic acid found in multivitamins, not only reduces the risk of birth defects with prenatal development, but also helps prevent cancer of the rectum. According to studies, women who take multivitamins for 15 or more years, the incidence of this type of cancer is much lower than in those who received folic acid only from food. Vitamin E inhibits growth of tumors (until studies were conducted on animals), and according to medical statistics, consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, reduces the incidence of cancer of the mouth and stomach cancer. Selenium also has a preventive effect. According to a recent authoritative study conducted in China, the United States and other countries and swept 30 thousand people, the risk of developing cancer is reduced in patients receiving daily vitamin supplements containing beta carotene, vitamin E and selenium.
3. Vegetables. According to numerous studies, consumption of dark-yellow, orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.) and green (broccoli, spinach and cabbage) reduces the risk of some cancers. This is particularly true of lung cancer, even in smokers. Although cessation of smoking - the basis of prevention of lung cancer and many other diseases, with the help of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, health can be maintained. Nutritionists recommend a daily basis to eat at 5 or more servings of vegetables and fruits.

Limit fat in the diet

Fatty foods (especially animal fat) increases the risk of developing cancer, especially colon cancer, and possibly, pancreas, ovary and endometrium. The role of fat in the development of breast cancer is open to question, but better safe. People are eating far more fat than their bodies need. Nutritionists believe that the proportion of the diet of foods rich in fat, should not exceed 30%.

Cancer of the reproductive organs

Each year, cancer of the reproductive organs are diagnosed in tens of thousands of women, although it occurs in women less likely than other types of cancer. At present, the prevention of ovarian cancer has been given more attention. The main thing in this issue - an early diagnosis. It is possible, if women go to preventive examinations and deliver cytological smears.
Rx California

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