Sunday, November 22, 2009

Myths and mysteries are not trivial sex

Many consider it unnatural, perverted and even dirty. But in the natural sex life - is precisely what might be nice, and that is a pleasure for both partners. Therefore, in anal sex, if it passes at the mutual desire, there is nothing improper.

Practice this kind of sex is not only homosexuals or bisexuals, but also quite a lot of heterosexuals. According to polls conducted over the past 40 years, the most conservative estimate of the number of women who are pleasing anal sex was 39% - more than a third. Among the students - 24% women and 27% of men at least once engaged in anal sex.

Based on materials in Russia on the survey - 1% was in favor of anal sex, as well as the first sexual experience was launched with such a relationship, 30% of women have tried, and they loved it, and the remaining respondents categorically rejected even the thought of such a method of entertainment.

My personal acquaintance with anal sex began with viewing pornography on this subject. In the story, two girls lesbians used for stimulation of steel dildo, dildo, gradually increasing their size. Female challenging and genuinely enjoyed all forms of all the manipulations, exciting ...

Perhaps it was this story porn and was the cause of my research in the field of obtaining pleasure from anal stimulation.

Naturally, like any sensible person I was interested in three questions:

- Is it really good?

- Is it clean?

- Can be what the consequences for the organism?

Through several experiments, I came to the conclusion that stimulation of the anus, I am very pleased, and I would like to continue to explore their sexuality in this direction.

Having read some books, I came to the conclusion that under the natural regular defecating, the risk of falling in an awkward position in front of a partner is minimal, but with the additional use of a cleansing enema - is reduced to zero.

Then the question arose about the possible consequences. On this account information was contradictory.

Some researchers consider it likely that increased risk for anal sex diseases such as anal cancer (dysplasia) and rectal cancer associated with infection with human papillomavirus 16-th type (also causes cervical cancer in women).

But while these studies are continuing and have not found a clear confirmation of such dependence. However, all experts are convinced: it is worth remembering that the intestinal microflora may cause an infectious-inflammatory processes. Anal sex, which does not use a condom, is often the cause of urinary tract infection in men, in particular, urethritis.

Therefore, to avoid the possibility of random links with unknown partners and always use condoms. There are condoms designed for anal sex, it is written on the packaging. They are thicker than usual, just checked on the strength of more stringent standards.

No connection between anal sex and hemorrhoids no, rather, is its prevention. But if there is chronic dissatisfaction, the blood stagnates in the pelvis, it can lead to the formation of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

According to sexologists, rectum - a full erogenous zone is the same as the vagina. It, too, are the nerve endings responsible for pleasant sensations. In addition, nearly half of women with a uterus is bend backwards. Anal sex gives them a chance to get even and uterine orgasm, but he rarely achieved, even with vaginal intercourse. With stimulation of the anus female orgasm much more intense than clitoral or vaginal.

Interestingly, vaginal sex is not desirable in the last months of pregnancy because it can trigger preterm labor, as well as skidding infection. But anal sex in this regard is much safer, but to avoid having the combined anal sex with vaginal or anal how microbes can enter the vagina and into the uterus, which can lead to infectious processes.

But the information that anal sex can damage the rectum, is not supported by medical evidence. As long as you use plenty of lubricant, and do not forget the main thing - we must always be careful to take care of a partner and work with the full understanding - the unpleasant consequences will be minimized.

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